Noise can be described as an unpleasant or disturbing noise that impacts the productivity, health and general well-being of the people and also has an effect on the surroundings, including animals. Continuous exposure to loud sounds could cause hypertension and heart disease, as well as insomnia, and stress throughout all ages, but especially children.
What is an What is a Noise Impact Assessment?
Noise Impact Assessments (NIAs) comprise an extensive series of noise surveysthat are usually required for various planning applications. These are usually requested from Local Planning Authorities (LPA) particularly from Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) to determine the environmental noise effects of planned and existing developments. A NIA will usually involve an evaluation of existing sources of noise and a evaluation of the anticipated level of noise that is generated by the development proposed. The NIA is typically demanded by an LPA due to concerns that stem from exposure to noise or existing properties with noise sensitivities.
The most common focus of NIAs is:
Noise from transport (Road Rail, Road, and Aircraft) to development that is sensitive to noise (BS8233:2014);
Noise from the new fixed plant in existing residential receivers (BS4142:2014);
Noise from commercial units that are in operation in relation to proposed noise sensitive developments (BS4142:2014);
Noise caused by road traffic created by expansion (Change to Ambient).
Based on a BS8233 assessment for 2014 which aims to establish acceptable level of noise for Bedrooms, Living Rooms, Dining Rooms and Gardens for daytime (07:00 between 23:00 and 07:00) and at night (23:00 until 07:07). It also provides guidelines for the design of sound insulation in constructions and strategies for getting the right level of noise reduction for newly constructed dwellings as well as refurbished houses that have been renovated or changed in their usage.
Noise modelling is essential to the work we carry out. Noise models are developed by using advanced CadnaA software that can accurately predict noise levels and the way they spread across the site. Figure 1 shows the way that, using the use of bands and colours to effectively show clients the potential of a site. This is an essential part of the noise Constraints Assessment. These assessments are typically utilized at the beginning of large-scale development which allows the assessment to inform the developers about possible constraints and consider these during in the designing stage.
Why would developers require the BS8233 Acoustic Assessment?
When building a residence or a school, health facility, as well as hotel (or any other place which could be classified as sensitive to noise) in the event that the development location is close to transportation noise , such as a highway or railway, then it is possible for it will be the Local Authority will request a Noise survey BS8233 that will be carried out to ensure that proper both external and internal noise levels are met to ensure the comfort of the future tenants.
What is the procedure for an BS8233 Noise Survey conducted?
The goal of a noise study is to establish a baseline measure of the noise conditions around the development you are planning to construct. After the noise environment has been identified the noise impact that could be imposed on residential properties is assessed. The degree of noise impact is assessed according to BS8233:2014 in order to ensure that the future residents are not negatively affected by the sound.
We will perform noise measurement to determine the level of noise on the site of development. The measurements can be for railway, road and aircraft noise. They could be attended or unattended based on the source.
We estimate the expected noise levels on the façade of the building and in the amenity areas outside because of the sources already in place;
We suggest appropriate mitigation measures to guard the areas outside;
We will determine the noise levels inside so that we can provide the appropriate specifications for ventilation and glazing in accordance with the requirements;
We will prepare the technical report for submitted to your local authority to help support your plan application.
What is the scope of what will be included in Noise Impact Assessment report?
The objective of the report’s technical content is to inform officials of the Local Authority how ‘Good Acoustic Design’ was implemented during the planning of the development in order to ensure that the appropriate measures for control are in place. The report on noise will include the following details:
Details about the development proposed as well as the area that is currently in use, including any disturbances that could be heard around the site.
The surveying technique was used to determine the level of noise that is present on site with respect to monitoring areas the timings and dates of monitoring equipment for calibration, the calibration details, and the weather conditions ;
Summary of the results comprising the LAeq and LAMax rapid in line with the BS8233:204 requirements.
A review of the noise levels is conducted in accordance with BS8233:2014.
Protection measures to safeguard the comfort of future occupants , which includes estimations of the expected noise reduction through the scheme for sound isolation.
What mitigation measures are you expecting out of your Noise Report?
The report will strive to employ any reasonable noise-control measures to ensure that the external and internal noise requirements of BS8233 can be met. It is always better to control noise at the source, but it isn’t always possible. These mitigation methods can be used:
Natural corridors, and distancing from existing sources.
The orientation and design of the proposed buildings;
Acoustic Barriers and Bunds;
Acoustic Glazing and.
Alternative Ventilation Systems.
What are the reasons why Noise Impact Assessments are important?
Noise can have an impact on wellbeing, health productivity, as well as the natural surroundings. Noise is thought to be any sound that is disruptive or unwanted that can affect the well-being and health of both humans and other living things. Noise pollution affects millions of people each day. Being exposed to loud music could also trigger hypertension and sleep disturbances, heart disease and stress. These health problems be affecting all ages particularly children. Children who live in areas with noisy streets or airports have been observed to suffer from stress-related issues, like difficulties with memory, attention levels and reading abilities.
Cities are now the epicenter of this kind of pollution, and it is extremely damaging to humans . This is so much that there is a report from the European Environment Agency estimates that noise contributes to more than a quarter of a million hospital admissions and 16600 premature deaths per year in Europe all by itself. (Noise — European Environment Agency ( The UK in particular, the cities make up 8% of area, and they comprise 54 percent of all the people. As cities become to larger sizes and the urban population grows as well, the issue of noise pollution is bound to increase, and the emphasis on reducing all kinds of noise pollution will grow more widespread and crucial.