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Reasons Why Photography Matters

Why is photography important?

This is a question everyone asks at some point or another. In the end it’s a question of why we’re getting up at 4 am to take pictures of the sunrise when we could be cozy and relaxed in the bed? Why do we have to spend countless hours adjusting our compositions and understanding the basics of photography while we could be enjoying TV or having a drink with our buddies?

On days when we’re lacking any creativity or even the shutter button is the most difficult thing to do but we keep going But why? Why is photography something that makes it so captivating?

What is it that keeps us going?

In this piece I’ll discuss the reasons I believe photography is essential. I hope these suggestions will give you clarity and enthusiasm as well as inspire you to shoot photos even when you feel that everything is meaningless and you’re supposed to put down your camera for good.

Let’s get started.

1. The photos we take show us what is important to us.

If you ask them what items they would like to save from their burned home The most frequently mentioned responses is a photo album or computer that contains all of their digital photos.

Interesting, isn’t it? We’d take photos of expensive jewelry, even in times of panic.

The urge to save our memories of the past is a powerful force one that reveals a lot about the importance that Dundee photography plays in the lives of people and is an expression of our incessant desire to capture the best moments in photographs.

We keep the significant moments and people that have shaped our lives. The celebrations of birth and weddings, birthdays, anniversary celebrations, holidays and the construction of new homes are all recorded since they are significant.

Photos tell our story, a time-line of our lives, filled with people and places we cherish. They tell our story, which we are able to be able to share with others.

In the end, the hundreds of photos we capture combine to create the story that tells the story of our daily lives.

2. Photos are a part of our heritage

I can remember being on a train when it passed by a playground in which children were gathered in awe for their annual school picture. On the first row were the teachers. Behind them thousands of kids were well-dressed and dressed in uniforms. For a brief moment the whole assembly was silent. We moved through right as the photographer hit the shutter.

As if in unison, the massive group of children dispersed and escaped their forced slumber. The neat rows disintegrated, and broke into smaller groups who were playing soccer or sitting in a huddle with their buddies.

They didn’t realize that the image was going to live on for a long time. After a couple of generations the picture from the school might appear among old photos in the attic, and someone could seek out their grandfather amongst the fresh young faces.

Photographs are significant because they record moments in our lives that go by without a trace and seem to be of no importance to us in the moment. What is the significance behind a photograph could not be ours It could be for people who are looking for the person we was or the locations we once visited.

Every photo could be a tiny piece of a puzzle that makes up the overall view of the world we live in.

3. Images are more than just a simple document.

Photography is the most beautiful and most generous side of us The desire to share the things we find fascinating and beautiful with others.

Just look at the myriad of photo sharing sites to witness this inclination at work where millions of users post their own personal, intimate and sometimes funny perspectives on life in general.

Our pictures can be a way to share our lives with strangers. What is the power of this?

4. Photography makes us artists

Photography lets us communicate with an art form. We see a stunning landscape or an elderly man’s wrinkled face, and we’re looking to take a picture of the beauty.

Each of us has an individual motive to photograph and we all have a desire to make something.

Whatever our day-to-day routines may be, the creating of an image is what makes us feel like an artist. It’s satisfying.

5. Photography is a language that is complex

Our photos can communicate happiness and sadness, joy and empathy. Every emotion that human beings experience has its place in photography.

Over the years I did not appreciate my photos of overcast landscapes. This was because I believed that there was nothing beautiful about an area with dull colors and a dull sky. I wanted the landscape to be vibrant with vibrancy and color.

But, the absence of color in the landscape forces you to look for other elements that usually are not noticed in bright sunlight. It could be the natural symmetry of hills, or a tree sticking in an enclave of thousands.

To further elaborate:

I’ve suffered from depression throughout my adulthood and photography has given me the ability to express emotions for which I have no words. We are lacking a horribly inadequate vocabulary for those suffering from mental illness however, photography has enabled me to build visual language to describe certain of my most difficult emotions.

6. Photography is a powerful tool to inspire us.

Photography can captivate us and directly speak to our feelings.

In a subtler way photography can teach us about a variety of emotions. The power of grief can erase the brightness and life’s color. There is no way to bring them back. It is necessary to wait. However, while we wait to see patterns and shapes which are still visible in the greyness. They will guide us to color eventually. When I was grieving in my own life I’ve used images to express the dream of seeing color again.

Photography, at its finest is a powerful medium that is able to touch our feelings. It lets us share our stories and show others how we see the world that surrounds us.
The importance of photography The importance of photography

I hope you’ve now got an understanding of the many reasons photographers pursue photography. And the reason why photography is crucial.

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